Partner With Us
With a well-recognised potential to meet unmet needs in oncology, particularly ‘cold’ tumors, as well advance the treatment of infectious diseases & inflammatory diseases, STING & TLR agonists bring unique potential to the table but also a unique subset of challenges from particularly poor translation of results, difficulty defining patient populations and a lack of good biomarkers to assess treatment response.
The STING & TLR Targeted Therapies Summit stands as a pioneering event, uniting developers of innate immunity targeted therapies across diverse diseases and therapeutic approaches. It is the only event to bring together a room full of innate immune-oncology experts to address these specific challenges within industry of discovering & developing these tricky drugs.
Experts Need Your Help With:
- Bridging the translational gap through improved translational models & in-vitro modelling systems which more closely match the biology of the human innate immune systems
- Companion diagnostics and liquid biopsy platforms for assessing biomarkers of patient response and inform which subgroups of patients are responding to improve clinical outcomes
- Spatial profiling & RNA sequencing for looking for markers of success in the expression profile of tumors
- Platform technologies for the development of novel immune agonist conjugates and other innovative modalities to overcome the toxicity issues associated with systemic administration of STING/TLR agonists
Why Partner?

Position Yourself as an Industry Thought Leader
The STING & TLR field face unique challenges with the toxicity of systemic delivery that makes them keen to hear from solution providers like you for targeting technologies such as ADCs and nanoparticles

Raise Brand Awareness
This summit brings together a unique coalition of pharma and biotech and academic KOLs working specially in innate immunity, serving as a highly productive and mutually beneficial space for networking with your target market to build brand awareness

Meet & Network with Industry Pioneers
With a room full of
drug developers
looking to see how
they can produce
the safe and
efficacious STING & TLR Targeting Therapies,
fill your pipeline
with new leads for
2024 through 1-2-1 networking

Showcase your Work
A key challenge across the field is translatability - contingent on the use of suitable pre-clinical models. While the community debate what models are most reliable, this is your opportunity to showcase the promise of your models to the leading drug developers

Benefit from Market Intelligence
Discover what
solutions and
services companies
will be investing
into innate immune
therapies to enable you to match your solutions
Who Will You Meet?